Take a look at the School Blog

12B have made sock puppets

Year 3-4 Victorian Day

Year 3-4 Victorian Day

Class 5/6G Christmas Celebration

On Wednesday this week we had our Christmas celebration! The children completed a Christmas themed quiz and enjoyed a tasty buffet (provided by our very generous parents and carers, thank you). Carols and Christmas songs added to a happy atmosphere. … Continue reading

WW2 Assembly by Class 5-6G

This term we have been learning about what life was like for children during the war. We have covered topics such as evacuation, rationing and air-raids. On Wednesday 16th November, class 5/6G presented a World War Two themed assembly to … Continue reading

Chaucer B Team Football Tournament

On Wednesday 30th November the B team played in a football tournament. It took place at the Fuse in Thornton. The team represented the school magnificently and they came fourth out of nine schools. Well done!

Fleetwood Lantern Parade and Christmas Light switch on

A lovely evening to begin the Christmas celebrations. We need to make sure we decorate our banner with lights next year! Lovely to see so many of our families braving the wintry weather.

Crazy Hair Day

Well done to all of you who managed to create some amazing hairstyles on crazy hair day in order to support the Christmas Fayre. The children looked amazing!

Christmas Fayre

Huge thank you for all the support we had at the Christmas Fayre this year. The children thoroughly enjoyed planning and managing their own stall. A prize for the class who managed to raise the most money announced on Friday.

Chaucer Football Team

The football team at Chaucer have made a fantastic start to the season. The first game of the season was against Manor Beach, on the 17th November, and we won 10-0. The second game of the season was against Baines, on … Continue reading

Crazy Hair Day

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