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Nursery – Forest School

We had the best time at Forest School. The children enjoyed making muddy footprints, ready to measure and compare when we returned to school. We made a person using natural materials and we explored the woodland environment. We cannot wait … Continue reading

School Games Gold Award

We are delighted to announce that we, Chaucer Primary School, have achieved the School Games Gold Award for the 2022/2023 academic year. The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust … Continue reading

Our Library Visit

Today our nursery children visited the local Fleetwood Library. We spent time sharing stories, listening carefully and joining in with rhymes. We then returned to school and chose a book from our own school library to share at home with … Continue reading

Forest Schools

Nursery had a fantastic time this afternoon during our Forest School session. We took part in a helicopter communication game during our “circle time in nature”. We collected natural materials and created our own natural self portraits. We talked about … Continue reading

Year 6 visit to Stockport Air Raid Shelters

Year 6 had a remarkable day exploring the Stockport Air Raid Shelters. We had the opportunity to delve underground and gain first-hand knowledge of how the lives of ordinary British citizens were affected by World War II. Throughout the day, … Continue reading

KS2 Geography Fieldwork

Children in year 5 have spent the day applying their fieldwork skills, using 6 figure grid references to locate markers in the park and at the local nature reserve. 

Fleetwood Carnival 2023 Winners! A fantastic day celebrating reading

We celebrated our love of reading today at Fleetwood Carnival . Thankyou to all who took part and what an achievement to win!! Thankyou to the fantastic creative team who put it all together, amazing job!!

Poet Andy Tooze

Last Friday, Andy Tooze, a specialist poetry teacher, visited Chaucer Primary School. From Year 2 onwards, the children wrote their own poem linked to a given theme such as animals or family and friends. Children in Nursery, Reception and Year … Continue reading

Our Week in Nursery – Summer 2 – Week 1

Journeys  We have had a fantastic first week back in nursery. The children settled back into routine with such ease. This week we have enjoyed looking at our core text – Journeys by Aaron Becker. This was a wordless book … Continue reading

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