Our Week in Nursery – Summer 2 – Week 1
We have had a fantastic first week back in nursery. The children settled back into routine with such ease. This week we have enjoyed looking at our core text – Journeys by Aaron Becker. This was a wordless book and the children loved exploring it in groups and creating their own stories surrounding the illustrations. Within continuous provision the children have used small and large construction materials to recreate the scenes from the story and looked at the different transport – we were very excited to look at hot air balloons. We created our own castles like the one from the story in the sand then the children decided to make flags for their castles, so we talked about and collected the materials we needed and created out own flags to add to the sand castles. We have been consolidating our learning surrounding 3 and 4 in maths. We also had a very special visitor to school – Andy Tooze. Andy is a poet and the children loved listening to and joining in with his poems. We even got to perform the poem to the rest of school during assembly. Well done Little Puffin’s – you have had a fantastic first week back!