Reception Learning – Autumn One

Week One
My School Community

We have had a great first week in Reception, getting to know each other and getting to know our school community. We have had lots of fun creating self-portraits, going for a tour around the school and enjoying our PE lessons.


Week Two
Me and My Family

This week we have enjoyed sharing all about our families and learning that families come in all different shapes and sizes. We have loved practicing our listening skills during circle time and have done lots of different activities to work on our gross motor skills.



Week Three
Let’s Be Friends

This week we have loved learning all about Friendships and what it means to be a good friend. We have enjoyed dressing up and exploring the deconstructed role play area. We made a bus stop, a bus and made sure we had tickets for the passengers! 

Week 4:

Welcome to Drawing Club

Children love drawing and being in a club.  In Reception we have put the two together to hopefully bring the love of stories and animation to life.  After reading the works of Greg Bottrill the children will become engaged in the magical world of tales and story whilst at the same time enriching their language skills, developing their fine motor and spending time together with staff who love reading.  

The first book we decided to read was ‘Not Now Bernard’.  The children loved listening to the story, learning new vocabulary and sharing their ideas through drawings and talk.

Lesson 1: Introduced four words: Gobble, Ignore, Fierce some and Destroy.  The children learnt an action to help them remember the words.  The story was read and the children drew a monster to eat mum and dad.

Lesson 2: Vocabulary revisited, story re told.  Children drew the setting- Bernard’s House.

Lesson 3: Vocabulary revisited.  Adventure Time- I wonder what will the monster eat to take away the taste of Bernard?

Lesson 4: Vocabulary revisited.  Adventure Time- I wonder where did the monster come from?

The children had a great time drawing and sharing their drawings during Reflection Time.  


Next week in Drawing Club: A traditional Tale- Little Red Hen

Week 5

Andy Goldsworthy Art

We have been looking at Andy Goldsworthy art this week. We took a trip to the beach to have a go at making our own creations. We collaborated and created circular patterns, arranged natural materials to make spirals, stacked and balanced rocks and created lines and shapes in the sand. We looked at lines in different directions and took rocks on journeys through the sand! We also put rocks in size order. We had a brilliant time and linked this learning to different areas of the curriculum; communication & language, physical development, maths and more. 

Week 6

Real Superheroes

This week we read the story ‘Real Superheroes’.  The book was about real superheroes celebrating the bravery of everyday heroes who keep our world turning through difficult times.  We focussed on the work that Firefighters do to keep us safe.

On Thursday we had a visit from our local Fleetwood Firefighter Team.  Before they came we collaboratively came up with a list of questions that we could ask. ‘Why do firefighters wear different coloured hats?  Apart from putting out fires what other things do you do? What different equipment do you carry on the fire engine? 

The children listened well and had a go at using the hose.  Lots of questions were asked.  The children remembered lots from the visit.  



We also visited some other Real Life Superheroes – a crew member and volunteer at the Fleetwood RNLI Lifeboat Station. They spoke to us about how they save lives and rescue people at sea, in any conditions. They showed us the different protective uniforms and we were told all about the Shannon class lifeboat and inshore D class lifeboat. 


Week 7



This week we have learnt all about Autumn and read the text ‘Leaf Man’. We created our own ‘Leaf Man’, painted Autumn tree’s experimenting with Autumnal colours and painted using conker rolling. We consolidated our learning of Andy Goldsworthy and created some Autumnal artwork and we used natural objects in Maths to count. We finished off the half term with our Halloween party!