Reception Blog Summer 1

Week One

Shark in the Park

This week our learning has been focused on ‘Shark in the Park’ by Nick Sharett. The children were very excited as this text introduced our new topic of ‘Sunshine and Sunflowers’ which meant our Garden Centre role play area opened! The children have loved exploring the Garden Centre and have enjoyed writing shopping list, order forms, receipts and using their Maths when paying for their items. We have also looked at Van Gough and created our own Sunflower using oil pastels. Outside, we have been practicing our overarm throw and numeral recognition and making repeating patterns using natural objects.


Week Two

Errol’s Garden

This week we have been reading ‘Errol’s Garden’ by Gillian Hibbs. Errol lives in a Flat building so some of the children built Flats in the construction area and used the small world characters to re-tell the story. The children have enjoyed junk modelling their own flowers and flower pots for our Garden Centre and creating flowers in the malleable area whilst discussing the different parts and functions. We have been matching uppercase and lowercase letters and sequencing how to grow a flower which we are going to do next week. In Maths we have had a big focus on recognising numbers beyond 10 and placing these numbers in order. 

Elmer’s Big Parade

This week we went on a trip to Blackpool to visit the Elmer Sculptures. We found ‘Carole’, the Elmer that our school painted, and also found lots of other Elmer’s. Once we were back at school, we designed our own Elmers and created maps that showed our walk around Blackpool.


Week Three

This week we have been reading a non-fiction text called ‘Seed to Sunflower’. We have learnt all about the lifecycle of a Sunflower and wrote about each stage. During our outdoor learning, we planted our own Sunflower seeds. We have also made our own maps from our Elmer walk last week and designed our own Elmers. The children have really impressed us with their independent writing this week, we have been blown away. In Maths we have been looking at addition and subtraction, the children have enjoyed making number sentences in the loose parts area and the maths area.