Our Learning in Reception – Spring 2 – 2024

Week One

If I had a Dinosaur 

This week, we introduced our new Dinosaur topic by exploring the text “If I had a Dinosaur” by Gabby Dawnay and Alex Barrow. The children loved sharing their ideas on what they would do if they had a Dinosaur as a pet and we did some amazing writing around their ideas. The children immersed themselves in the construction area and built time machines so they could go back in time and find a Dinosaur. We also looked at ‘one more and one less’ in Maths and used Dinosaur eggs to help us. The children loved learning about Mary Anning and we even created our own Dinosaur fossils.


Forest School

We did not let the weather stop us today. We braved the cold and snow and fully embraced forest school this week.
The children enjoyed a mindful moment, in celebration of children’s mental health week we took a quiet moment to lie down and have a quiet moment to take in our surroundings to reflect and calm.
Following this we warmed up by re-enacting the story “Stickman” we loved pretending the run like the stickman, become swans and flying into Santa’s sleigh.
We then enjoyed finding resources in the area to create our own stick people in small and large scale.
At the end of the session the children reflected on their learning and told us that they enjoyed “being part of the story” and “making our stickman”
Well Done Everyone!

May be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 3 people May be an image of 2 people







Week Two

Dear Dinosaur

This week we have continued our Dinosaur topic by reading “Dear Dinosaur” by Chae Strathie. The children loved listening to all of the letters/cards/postcards exchanged in the story and wrote our own letters to a Dinosaur. The children have loved creating Dinosaur masks and role-playing being a Dinosaur! We started taking part in ‘Pen Disco’ this week which helped us with our fine motor and creativity with the felt tips. At the end of the week, we performed our Choral Speaking Poem “All Join In” by Quentin Blake in front of all of our grown ups. The children did amazing!

Forest School

We had a fantastic time at forest this week we enjoyed recreating the story “We’re going on a bear hunt” . We then created our on journey strings collecting items from our journey to add to the string and making a label for them.


Week Three

Dinosaur Roar

This week we have been reading “Dinosaur Roar” by Henrietta Stickland. We took part in a Dinosaur egg hunt outside, when we found the egg we had to open it and read the word inside. We also enjoyed using the bikes outside to go on another scavenger hunt to find the Dinosaur clues, we then had to choose between the correct picture to match what we had read. This week was also World Book Day! We came to school dressed as characters or in our pyjamas. We read lots of books and shared our favourite stories from home. We ended the week with a Tea Party for everybody who had read every night at home this week!


Week Four

Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs

This week we have explored a non-fiction text about Dinosaurs called “Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs” by Catherine Hughes. We continued to plan and create our junk model Dinosaurs and discussed what we liked and could improve about our creations. We began to look at length in Maths and used ribbons to explore “long” and “short”, we also used this skill in our Malleable area where we created our own Superworms. We went outside to explore our senses and discussed/wrote what we could see, hear and touch. Again, we finished our week with our Reading Tea Party!


Week Five

Cave Baby

This week we have been reading “Cave Baby” by Julia Donaldson. We have used paint to create our own Cave Art like the Cave Baby did! We have also been practicing our number formation and we had a challenge to see how many words we could read in 1 minute. We thought of some questions that we would ask the Cave Baby if we met him. In Maths, we have been looking at time and sequencing so we made our own jam sandwiches and then put the instructions in order. Then we got to eat them!


Week Six


This week we have been learning all about Easter and Spring. We enjoyed making and writing Easter cards and role playing celebrating Easter in the home corner. We took part in an Easter hunt around the classroom where we read CVC words and found the correct picture. We finished off the week with our annual Elmer walk to raise money for charity. A special visitor came to our classroom and awarded Jacob with the “Woody Award”.