R1W post their Christmas Letters to Santa

To start our Christmas theme in Reception we read the story ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’. The Children enjoyed listening to the story and they talked about writing letters to Santa.

The children looked through a selection of catalogues looking for toys they wished Santa would bring them.  The children used their phonic knowledge to write sounds and words.  We have been learning our phase 2 tricky words so the children were able to write ‘TO’.  They listened to the word ‘SANTA’ and many of the children were able to hear the initial sound ‘S’ and write it.  Others were able to hear other sounds in the word and write them.

Our outcome for the letter were to see if the children were able to apply what they have been learning in phonics.  Can the children hear the initial letter sounds in words, write recogisible letters, write their name.  Some of the children were segmenting the sounds in simple words and blending them together to write.

Once all the letters had been written we took the children to the nearest postbox to post their letters to Santa.