PE in Reception
Last term our topic was ‘Stories’ by Julia Donaldson. Our Physical Development was linked to the story ‘Superworm’.
Our learning was: To perform the basic skill of jumping. To travel in a variety of ways low to the ground. To perform the skill of hopping and skipping. To experiment with different ways of moving using apparatus. Travel under, over, around, and through balancing and climbing equipment. To travel in a variety of ways on hands and feet.
In the photos the children are traveling like animals such as- crab, caterpillar, bunny, frog and a crocodile.
The children have also been taught how to carry the benches and mats safely.
This term we are sticking with ‘Superworm’ and working on skills such as: To use a hula hoop in a variety of ways. To follow and copy a friend’s traveling movements and lastly to use a range of small and large equipment. Moving with control and co-ordination.