Our Learning in Reception – Spring 1

Week One

Whatever Next!

This week we have started our new topic of ‘Starry Night’ and read Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy. We wrote our own predictions for what Baby Bear might do once he got to the moon. We built our own spaceships and wrote lists of what we would take if we were to visit space. We looked at the number ‘0’ and did a sorting activity of what shows zero and what doesn’t show zero. 

Week Two

Peace at Last

This week we have been looking at the text ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy. We wrote about what we do when we get ready for bedtime and wrote about what we think each of the characters might say. In Maths, we were looking at one more and one less, using practical methods to help us. We have loved making telescopes, space helmets and rockets in the junk modelling area.

Week Three

Owl Babies

This week we have been focusing on the story ‘Owl Babies’. We have been thinking about and writing  how the characters may be feeling throughout different points in the story. In Maths, we have been looking at part whole models and identifying the parts and the whole number using mathematical vocabulary. We have used watercolours to create our own versions of Pierre Bonnard’s night time landscape and have also painted Owls.


Week Four

Owl Non-Fiction

This week we have been introduced to a Non-Fiction text all about Owls. We have created our own Owl fact files based on the facts and knowledge that we have learnt throughout the week. In Maths, we have been looking at mass and capacity. We have been making predictions on which objects would be heavier/lighter and how many cubes would make an object balance on the scales. We have used the junk modelling area to make nests for Owls and created our own owl artwork using charcoal. 


Week Five

How to Catch a Star

This week we have been reading ‘How to Catch a Star’ by Oliver Jeffers. We have discussed and written how we would catch our very own stars and build jetty’s in the construction area. We have also used the junk modelling station to create our own nets and lassos. We had our very own ‘Come On In’ event where our grown up’s joined us to do some Valentine’s crafts and we learnt all about Chinese New Year. We created our own lucky money envelopes and made Chinese lanterns.