Our Learning in Reception – Autumn 2

Week One

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

This week we have learnt all about the traditional Fairytale ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’. We created our own story maps to re-tell the story and use the new vocabulary learnt. In Maths, we learnt about positional language which included hiding Daddy bear and explaining where he was. We also carried out an obstacle course in our outdoor play. Towards the end of the week, we made our own porridge and voted for which topping we would like. We finished the week by learning about Bonfire & Firework safety and linked in some science by melting chocolate and making some chocolate sparklers.

Week Two

Little Red Riding Hood

This week we have learnt all about ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We created baskets and shopping lists and then planned routes to Grandma’s house. We started to look at the numbers 4 and 5 in Maths and looked at who out of our friends were 4 and who is now 5. In PSHE, we discussed what makes us special and learnt a song  by Harold the giraffe, we then used mirrors to talk about what’s special about us.


Week Three

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

This week our focus text was ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. We have enjoyed planning and building bridges for the goats to cross, and then testing them out to see if they hold weight. We have been looking at different ways of making 4 and 5 and experimented with cubes to see all the ways they would fit together. We hosted a ‘Come On In Event’ where our grown ups were invited into class and see all of the learning that we have been doing.


Week Four

The Three Little Pigs

This week we have been reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have also learnt about Diwali and created our own Diwa Lamps using clay. This week we celebrated 120 year of Chaucer Primary School. We went outside to look at the building to see the similarities and differences between the old part and the new build. We also looked at the differences between the old and new school logo/motto. We used the muga to re-live a special memory of when our school did a sponsored bike ride. 


Week Five

The Gingerbread Man

This week we have been reading ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and we have also written our letters to Santa. Once we had written them, we went for a walk to the post box to post them. We enjoyed watching ‘Cinderella’ which linked to our learning of Fairytales and had a craft afternoon which our grown ups joined us at. We also took part in our school’s annual Elf Run and enjoyed a nice long walk around our local area.


Week Six – Eight

The Jolly Christmas Postman

We have been learning all about the Jolly Christmas Postman, the celebration of Christmas and The Nativity. We enjoyed decorating the classroom for Christmas and writing Christmas cards to each other. We performed our Nativity to our grown ups and KS1 and then enjoyed watching it back together. During the last week, we had our Christmas dinner, Christmas crafts and Christmas party! We had a special visitor during our party who gave us a special gift.