Nursery – Summer 1 Blog

Mad About Minibeast

Over the last two weeks we have explored lots of different insects. We have looked at the texts “Mad about Minibeasts” and “My First Book of Garden Bugs” we have enjoyed listening to and learning facts about the insects. We then created our own fact file for us to look throughout the rest of the year when we are outside. We created our own Minibeast by playing the game “build a bug” identifying numerals on a dice and adding body parts to our bugs. We looked at Henri Matisse’s Snail artwork and recreated this. We took a trip to the park on a Minibeast hunt using our magnifying glasses and bug lookers to observe them in more detail. We also created our own minibeast picnic where we used different fruit and vegetables to make our food look like insects. In maths we have explored positional language where we made bug houses and used the new vocabulary to discuss where we placed certain objects and sequencing – we looked at the very Hungry Caterpillar and sequenced the food from the story and also the lifecycle of a butterfly. With this in mind we had a very special delivery of our own caterpillars which we will observe over the next few weeks to see how they change. Well done Little Puffin’s – You have had a very busy and exciting first few weeks back. 

The Kings Coronation and Our Travels Around Europe!

We have had a very busy few weeks in nursery learning all about the Kings coronation and “travelling” around Europe. The children enjoyed listening to the story Colourful Coronation and learning about King Charles. We created our own portraits of the King, the children got inventive and created their own robes and crowns whilst outside building a castle using the den making materials. We then designed and made crowns inside for our coronation garden party. We have also become backpackers exploring different places in Europe inspired by Eurovision. The children enjoyed dancing along to the acts, we looked at different places each day. When “visiting” Spain the children learnt to say hello, we looked at flamenco dancing and used watercolours to paint like Spanish artist Salvador Dali and his artwork the Sunflowers. We then took a trip to Belgium where we looked at Herge’s Tintin cartoons and we created our own cartoon strips, the children used their imagination to create their own stories surrounding the images. Finally, we explored Italy, we looked at different foods they eat, how some children travel to school in a boat, we explored different landmarks including the colosseum and the leaning tower of Pisa and then became renaissance artist like Leonardo Da Vinci and drew our own Mona Lisa and Michelangelo creating our own “Sistine Chapel” ceiling by drawing upside down under the tables. Throughout the last two weeks we have been keeping an eye on our caterpillars as well. They have now turned into Chrysalis’ and the children have been really excited to see the change and careful not to knock them whilst they are making their transformation. We can’t wait to see them transform into butterflies.

Trip to Farmer Parrs

This week the Little Puffin’s visited Farmer Parrs. We loved learning all about the different animals last term and we so excited to see them “in real life” on our trip! The children had the best time feeding the animals, holding the small animals – chick, guinea pig and rabbit, bottle feeding baby goats, brushing the horses and we even got to name one of the new baby goats! The children could not stop speaking about the trip today back in the classroom and we were excited to be able to answer the questions we had written down last term of things we wanted to find out. All of the staff are so proud of the children, who behaved wonderfully and represented our school marvellously. Well done Little Puffins!