Nursery Blog – Spring 1

Winter and Lunar New Year

This week we have enjoyed finishing off our learning about winter. The children enjoyed creating their own natural winter dream catchers like the dream catchers from our story. We learnt all about the northern lights and enjoyed moving like them and using paint to recreate our own interpretation of them also. Later in the week we enjoyed learning all about the Lunar New Year celebrations. We listened to the story “The Great Race” and in P.E. we enjoyed recreating the race taking on the roles of different characters. We loved trying the Chinese food and trying to use the chop sticks. We have been mark making the numerals in the glitter and using paint to make a spiral snake in red as we learnt that this was a lucky colour in China. Finally, on Friday we found out it was National Hot Chocolate Day – the children loved creating their own hot chocolate as a treat to celebrate. Well done everyone! 

Winter – The Big Freeze

We have had another wonderful week in nursery. The children have enjoyed listening to our text “The Big Freeze” We then designed our own jumpers like those from the shop in the story. The children enjoyed talking about what a great team the characters were and we discussed what made a good team. We have been looking at 1,2,3 in maths. Outside the children enjoyed jumping in puddles 1,2,3 times and walking 3 steps on the stilts. We enjoyed exploring the “Big” playground when we became safety detectives as part of our PSED session. We looked at the playground and discussed how it was safe and how to check for this. Whilst on the playground we enjoyed getting the bikes out and using the floor markings to build our gross motor skills. 

Winter – Under and Over the Snow

We have had another busy week in nursery. This week we have enjoyed listening to the text “Under and Over” the snow. We enjoyed looking at the different animals that hibernate under the snow in the winter and others that stay above the snow. In maths we have continued to look at number nursery rhymes and enjoyed recreating “zoom, zoom to the moon” counting backwards and printing with potatoes whilst singing to “1 potato, 2 potato”. We have also enjoyed creating our own “sticksicles” in the creative area outside. One of our friends sent a photo of a bridge they made at home this week also, so we looked at lots of different bridges around the worlds then used construction and creative resources to design and make our own bridges. We finished the week by making our own melted snowmen! Well done Everyone! 

Winter – Percy the Park Keeper

What a fantastic first week we have had back in nursery. We have welcomed lots of new faces this week and the children have been so lovely and friendly to each other. This week we have enjoyed looking at Percy the Park Keeper – One Snowy Night. The children loved discussing who might be at the door. In maths this week we have enjoyed looking at number nursery rhymes and recreating these with different props from our environment. We have loved learning all about winter this week and what perfect weather for it. The children were so excited to explore the snow, hail and sleet. We even conducted a science experiment, thinking of different ways to melt the ice. Later in the week we had to then use this knowledge to free the frozen dinosaurs from the ice. In the construction area we have enjoyed making sledges and we even designed and made an igloo using the loose parts. In other areas of the classroom the children have enjoyed making snowmen in the malleable area, explore lots of texts inside and outside and in P.E. we enjoyed navigating space and balancing building confidence on the climbing frame. Well done Little Puffins!