Nursery Blog Autumn 1

Week 5 – The Big Book of Nursery Rhymes

We have had a fantastic week exploring lots of different nursery rhymes. We have enjoyed learning and performing the rhymes to others. We have enjoyed adding wool to the sheep, fishing for the 1,2,3,4,5 fish and in messy play the children have made a wall for Humpty Dumpty. In maths we have enjoyed looking at sorting in size, colour and shapes. We have also opened our “Chaucer Cafe” we enjoyed taking on lots of different roles, taking orders and making food. On Friday we loved looking at healthy food we discussed foods that were healthy and not healthy and then we tried lots of different healthy foods. Well Done Little Puffins! 

Week 4 – The Colour Monster

This week we have enjoyed looking at the text “The Colour Monster”. We have learnt about lots of different emotions and in the morning we have been using these to say how we are feeling. We have looked at colour mixing this week and exploring how colours change when mixed together. In maths this week we have looked at matching. We enjoyed mixing up our shoes and finding our own matching pairs. We also printed our hands and feet and spoke about if they match others and why not. To end the week we have enjoyed baking our own apple crumble. We chopped our apples and made a crumble mix before baking and trying it. We loved baking this week. Well done everyone. 

Week 3 – All are Welcome Here

This week in nursery we have enjoyed exploring the text “All are Welcome”. The children spoke about how we could be welcoming and kind. We have looked at the artist Freida Kahlo this week. The children enjoyed exploring her artwork and loved her flower crowns. We then made our own flower crowns and added different textures to images of ourselves to recreate her artwork. Outside we have enjoyed stacking and building. We have developed our teamwork and made lots of houses and explored mark making. 

Week 2 – Super Duper You

We have had another fantastic week in nursery. This week we looked at the text “Super Duper You” we then discussed how we were super duper. We have created our faces using the playdough again. We have also been developing our gross motor skills outside and we especially enjoyed playing on the bikes. In maths we have loved looking at colour again and even tried colour mixing we were very excited to see what happened when mixed. Well done Little Puffins. 

Week 1 – Peter Puffin

We have had a fantastic first week in nursery. The children have all settled into our new class really well and have enjoyed exploring the new environment. We have loved playing inside and outside getting to know our new friends. We have looked at the text Peter Puffin and talked all about how we can be a good friend and how we are alike and different like the puffins are. Well Done for a fantastic first week Little Puffins!