Golf Challenge
Challenge yourself, and your friends, to see who is a pro at ‘putting practice’.
How to play:
1 small ball such as a tennis ball or scrunched up piece of tin foil
1 item such to act as your golf putter. Such as a broom, plank of wood, umbrella, cricket bat. If you have a golf putter, hockey stick, great, they can also be used.
1 stopwatch/phone
• Line up 10 items – for example water bottles, tins, shoes etc. These are your ‘golden eggs’
• Include 3 additional random items that are ‘bad eggs’
• Set a ‘tee’ up 3m from the targets
• You have a total time limit of 60 seconds to collect as many golden eggs as possible.
• Every time you hit a ‘golden egg’ run out and collect the egg(s) you have hit.
• Every time you hit a ‘bad egg’ return 2 of your ‘golden eggs’ to the line.
• At the end of 60 seconds count up how many golden eggs you have.
• If you have hit all the golden eggs before your 60 seconds is up, set up the eggs again, keeping track of your score and continue to add up your eggs.
Make it harder: Move your tee further away or add in more ‘bad eggs’
Make it easier: Move your tee closer or take out the ‘bad eggs’
Make it inclusive: Sit down and or use your hand to roll the ball or try using your foot to kick the ball to the target.
Please go to either of our social media platforms for a full demonstration: (@wyreandfyldesgo Twitter)(wyreandfyldessp Facebook)
Take a picture or even better a video by Friday 22nd May and send your entries to giving your name, age group and school. Please also post your attempts on social media and see if your friends and fellow students can beat you using the hash tags #LancsGames20 and #GolfChallenge
Make sure when submitting your entry you provide your name, age group and school.