Equalities Objectives

Equalities Objectives 2019-23
Action Strategies Timescale Success Criteria
Raise awareness of staff, parents and Governors of the Equalities plan and public sector Equality Duty
  • Scheduled for review at full governors in the Spring Term and annually at the Spring Term meeting thereafter
  • Undertake training as appropriate
  • Ensure policy and all related are updated on the website annually
Immediately and with constant monitoring All stakeholders are fully aware of duty and policy.
Promote spiritual, moral and social and cultural development through appropriate curricular opportunities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity
  • Understanding of equality and diversity is reinforced through assemblies.
  • Opportunities to reinforce equality and diversity are planned for in the curriculum e.g. RE and SCARF
  • Through effective monitoring of attendance at extra-curricular activities, school events, reward systems, opportunities are open to all 
Ongoing Pupils more culturally aware and have first-hand experience of different cultures

Pupils given the opportunity to explore these issues in a range of contexts

Ensure further analysis of examination results , attendance, exclusions and behaviour in relation to equality duty
  • Assistant headteachers to undertake further analysis based on specific groups . Data profile produced to analyse data. 
September 2020 Patterns and issues raised are addressed

Gaps closed in attainment and achievement between pupils and all groups of pupils: especially boys and girls, pupils eligible for free school meals, SEN, LAC and EAL

Continued development of opportunities for pupils to appreciate and celebrate diversity 
  • Build upon existing good practice of providing opportunities for pupils to understand diversity and explore issues. 