Nursery Blog – Summer 1

Plants and Flowers

Over the next few weeks we will be looking at plants and flowers. This week the children learnt all about what a plant needs. We then went into the garden to plant lots of different plants, flowers, herbs and vegetables. We talked about how we needed to care for them. We have visited the park to look for different flowers and created observational drawings of those that we found. In maths we have enjoyed looking at shape. We went on a shape hunt around our school and in the garden we used the large construction to make a shape rocket. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We have been looking at the text “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” this week and we received a very special delivery of our own caterpillars which we couldn’t wait to observe. We will be looking at these and seeing how they change in the coming weeks. This week we have enjoyed ordering the food in the story. Looking at how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. We created our own symmetry butterflies using paint and used the loose parts to make minibeast hotels. We made our own playdough observing how it changed as ingredients were added, we then used it to make different minibeasts. This week we also visited the beach where the children made mini habitats for the beach minibeasts. We also looked at different special places. This week we focused on a mosque and the children enjoyed using the 3D shapes to make different Mosques around the world. 

Big Book of Minibeasts

We have had a very busy week in nursery this week. We have enjoyed learning more about the minibeasts again. We used paint to create the minibeasts and visited the park with the lovely help from our year 6 children where we found lots of minibeast. We also visited Blackpool this week to look for all the different Elmer sculptures and we were very excited to find the “Carol” Elmer which we helped paint a few months ago. We also looked at how we can keep our body healthy this week – we were very excited to talk about eating healthy and make our own fruit kebabs trying lots of different fruits. Well done Little Puffins! 

Mad About Minibeast

This term we are looking at what we find in our garden. We looked at the text “Mad about Minibeasts” this week and learnt all about different insects. The children loved creating their own fact files based on the book after. Outside, we have loved looking for the minibeasts in our garden and then creating observational drawings based on these. We have used small construction materials to make our own minibeasts and in P.E. we have enjoyed developing movements to look like minibeasts.