5/6G Learns about Belarus
We had a very interesting visitor in our class today. Her name is Anna and she comes from Brest in Belarus.
U nas segodnya byl ochen’ interesnyuy gost’ v nashem klase. Jeye zovut Anna i ona rodom iz goroda Brest, Belarus.
The children had lots of questions for her about Chernobyl and her life in Belarus.
Deti zadali jej ochen’ mnogo voporosov o Chernobyle i jeje zhizne v Belarusi
They asked if it’s safe there, whether it still affects their lives or not, they were curious about health issues and its citizens struggle within Belarus. They also asked if they had a KFC!
Oni sprasili bezopasno li tam, vliyaet li radiaciya na ih povsednevnuyu zhizn’, im bylo lyubopytno uznat’ o problemah so zdorovhem’ zhiteley strany v Belarusi. Oni takzhe zadali voporos est’ li u nih KFC!
Anna’s has really enjoyed her day at Chaucer and has commented on how different school is here to back home.
Anne otlichno provela svoy den’ v Chaucer and zametila, chto eta shkola ochen’ otlichaetsya ot toy, chto na rodinye.
Translated into Russian by Anna Kalashnikova